Sources et références
Campagne de l'Association québécoise de prévention du suicide
Réseau Qualaxia - Dépistage de la dépression chez les hommes
Campagne "Real men real depression"
Campagne The Samaritans "We're in your corner"
Anderson, S. (2010). Using helplines and the internet. Dans D. Conrad & A. White (Eds.), Promoting Men's Mental Health (pp. 241-246). Oxon, UK: Radcliff.
Hopkins, P., & Voaden, J. (2010). Marketing masculinities: a social marketing approach to promoting men's mental health. Dans D. Conrad & A. White (Eds.), Promoting Men's Mental Health (pp. 83-95). Oxon, UK: Radcliff.
Powell, J. (2010). Promoting men's mental health services: building from the ground up. Dans D. Conrad & A. White (Eds.), Promoting Men's Mental Health (pp. 247-255). Oxon, UK: Radcliff.
Robinson, M., Braybrook, D., & Robertson, S. (2012). Evaluation of the Choose Life North Lanarkshire Awareness Programme. Leeds: Leeds Metropolitan University.
Robinson, M., & Robertson, S. (2010). The application of social marketing to promoting men's health: a brief critique. International Journal of Men's Health, 9(1), 50-61.
Roy, P., & Tremblay, G. (2012). Comprendre les masculinités rurales: un portrait basé sur la santé psychologique. Revue Service social, 58(1), 58-84.
Roy, P., Tremblay, G., Oliffe, J., Jbilou, J., & Robertson, S. (2013). Male farmers with mental health disorders: A scoping review. The Australian Journal of Rural Health, 21(1), 3-7.